½ cup low-fat milk
1/3 cup sour cream
1 large egg
1 tbsp butter, softened
3 cups bread flour
3 tbsp sugar
5g / 1 tsp salt
2 tsp yeast
60g Gelatinized Dough (烫种面团)
Put all d ingredients into my ABM & select basic white loaf setting
Was trying to lower the utility cost for d household so am trying not to use the slow cooker too often. And with my recent new part-time job, am running out of new ideas/recipe for dinner. So for tonite, I was browsing through my recipe ‘book’ (actually it’s the notes that I have on my iphone), I saw this recipe from Sneaky Chef’s book that I have never try be4. Even though I don’t have some of the ingredients, I decided to go ahead & substitute with whatever I have in d fridge. Hayden helped with the scrambled egg & because he helped, he actually mgd to finished his bowl of rice. Guess that shd give this recipe a thumbs up???
Heat 1 tbsp oil & stir-fry minced onion/garlic/ginger for abt 2mins
Add meat & stir-fry another 2mins
Add rice & soy sauce. Toss to combine well
Add scrambled egg & veg only 1 min be4 finish cooking.
Green Puree – Serve 2 cup (I usually freeze them in batches of ¼ cup)
Simmer for 2-3hrs
*Cook all over low heat.
Then add 4 cups of cooked elbows/small pasta & stir to combine well. Serve hot.
Chayote, Corn, Mushroom in Clam broth (佛手瓜, 玉米, 蘑菇, 蛤肉汤)I saw this recipe from BH’s blog & went ahead to give it a try. It’s actually quite a mild flavor soup. MIL likes it but hubby finds it too plain. So on my next try, I actually added fresh clams & what a big diff it made! Hubby loves it! In fact, his words were “ yr soup had definitely improved by a GAINT step!” Wow!
So here’s my modified version.
Ingredients (serve 4)
In a large bowl, mix barbecue sauce, pineapple with juice, green bell pepper, onion, & garlic. Arrange 2 of d ckn thighs in d bottom of a slow cooker. Pour half of the barbecue sauce over it. Place remaining ckn into slow cooker, & pour remaining sauce over d top. Cover & cook on Low for 8-9 hrs
White puree
Pulse zucchini & lemon juice 1st, while steaming d cauliflower. Then add d cooked cauliflower & puree till smooth. Add 1-2 tbsp of water if required.
U can also add raw yellow squash along with d cauliflower to be pureed. Just peel & remove d seeds of d squash.
Sneaky Chef's Healthy version of flour blend
Mix all together for later usage. It can also be kept in d fridge for up to 3mths.
Jamie Oliver’s basic bread recipe (modified)
Put all into d bread maker & select basic cycle for 1kg load. Check after 5mins & add 2-3 tbsp of water if dough is too dry. But from past (failure) tries, less water is needed if using wheat germ so try not to pour all d water in so fast.
Have been making my own ckn broth & this time, I decided to give Jamie Oliver’s version a try.End result – so much tastier than my old version. I cant believe adding herbs & a rasher of bacon can made so much diff!
Put ckn, carrot, celery & bacon in a pot cover with water. Bring to boil. Low heat & simmer 1¼ hr, skimming white residue off top now & then.
Add Rosemary & mushroom only in d last 10 mins.
Season with salt if desired
*stuff herbs into ckn, cover ckn with enough water by abt 1inch. Scatter in potatoes & bring to boil. Cover & simmer 20mins.
Then add carrots, turnips/radishes, & fennel (herby top remove & reserve). Simmer another 30-40mins.
Remove ckn & add peas, beans &spinach. Cook 1 min & serve with ckn, sprinkle fennel top & olive oil.
cut upper part of young coconut, pour out juice & scoop out flesh
Rinse ckn. scald Ginger, spring onion & rice wine in boiling water. put in ckn, scald for a while. remove & drain.
Put ckn, lemongrass & coconut flesh into coconut, pour in juice & water, bring to boil.
Switch to low heat & stew 3hrs. add seasoning be4 serving.
Since am not allow to feed Hayden d Layered Focaccia loaf, I decided to try out another Jamie Oliver’s recipe – banana honey bread.
End result – bread was not soft enough for me & I cant really taste/smell d bananas at all. Maybe d sizes of d bananas were not correct. I’ll still post d recipe here in case anyone is interested to give it a go.
**30g yeast + 2tbsp honey + 625 ml banana mixture + 1kg strong bread flour + 30g salt
Peel & purée banana. Top up mashed mixture with water to 625ml.Stir-fry them together till cooked, abt 8-10mins
**(30g yeast + 30g honey + 625ml warm water + 1 kg strong bread flour + 30g salt)
Put basic bread ingredients into bread maker & select dough function.
Roll out & fold/tuck rest of d ingredients into d dough after 1st prove.
Rub top with little olive oil & rip over some fresh sage/thyme.
Allow 2nd prove.
Bake in preheated oven @ 180c 25mins.
Let it sit for 25 mins be4 eating.
Remove water-chestnut’s skin, washed & soaked in clean water for 1 hour or longer in order to get rid of d bacteria/micro worms that are hidden inside d flesh.
Scrubbed sugar cane & peel off d skin.
Put all (except rock sugar) into d slow-cooker & simmer for abt 1-2hrs on low heat. Switch off d heat & put in d rock sugar. Allow to dissolve be4 serving it warm or chilled.
Fry onion & sage w/ butter 3-4mins.
Toss meat in flr, add to d pan w/ all veg, purée, wine & stock. Stir together & season. Bring to boil, covered & simmer 3-4hrs till meat is done.
Mix zest, Rosemary & garlic together & sprinkle be4 serving
Mix d eggs & milk in a bowl.
Slice asparagus into small bits, leaving only d top part. Then boil them for abt 8mins, or when they turn bright green. Drain & set aside.
Heat up d non-stick pan & spoon in ½ cup egg mixture. Roll it rd d pan to spread out into a thin layer be4 adding asparagus. Sprinkle it over with parmesan & remove from pan.
Put all into bread maker on fast loaf cycle. If u prefers soft crust, do not remove from bread maker after cycle ends. Just leave it there overnite
Put all into slow cooker & cook over low heat for 3-4hrs. Better effect if serve warm but can be drink chilled.
Put all into d slow cooker & cook over low heat for 2-3hrs.
Hayden started coughing again so I decided to try out this soup therapy which is suppose to effective in soothing throats & removing phlegm. It has d nutritious of d watercress too.End result - a very sweet soup! Thus, will reduce d LHG by half next time.
1 LuoHanGuo罗汉果
500g lean pork
200g watercress西洋菜
2 candied dates蜜枣
1.8l water
Another recipe from d Women’s Wkly mzg. This recipe is very low in fat (2.7g) & calories (275cal). It also used up whatever bal veg u have in d fridge.
Bring stock to boil be4 adding corn/veg/carrot. return to boil be4 reducing heat & simmer (covered) for abt 15mins. then stir in rest of ingedients & simmer (uncovered) for another 2mins.
I saw this soup recipe in d Women’s Weekly mzg & decided to give it a try since it’s suppose to be part of a detox program…
End result – a very tasty soup even on its own. Hayden had 1 ½ bowls of it! Will take d pix d next rd.
Veg Stock original ingredients (I halved all of it)
Put all (except d parsley) into a slow cooker & cook over low heat for 4-5hrs. Then add parsley & simmer for 1hr more be4 serving.
Stock can be kept, covered, for up to a wk in d fridge. It’s also suitable to freeze for up to 3 mths.
End result – very tender legs! & Hayden took 1½ bowls of it!
Marinate these overnite in d fridge.
Rinse rice, drain & leave it aside for 15mins rinse lotus seeds & drain. Put rice into d rice cooker & pour in ard 1¾ cups of water. Add d marinated frogs & drained lotus seed onto d rice. Cook on fast cycle cause it’s not advisable to overcook d frog legs. If desired, add d marinated seasoning too but its good enough without it too.
Hayden kept asking for d donuts this morning so I decided to give it another go. But this time, I made some modification to try out using self-rising flour instead of all-purpose flour. I also added thicken cream cause I do not have large egg on-hand. Success! At least half of d batch were. I think it’s mainly because I was still afraid to fill d hole too much, thus, d uneven result. But at least half looks ‘tall’ enough & even color throughout.
Adjusted ingredients
Method same as previous rd.
Bought this donut maker during my last wk in Bkk & decided to give it a try last nite. However, as I have mis-read d recipe, d end pdt was not very good looking – flat & discolored. D recipe requested for 10ml but I have spooned only 6-7ml onto d cup because it’s alrdy overflowing to d side! Thus d flat looking donuts. But am not able to explained d 2-tone color.
But Hayden loves it! He finished 7 pieces during d walk from home to his sch!
Saw this recipe on Blessed HomeMaker’s blog few days ago. It stated no mixer or oven needed, which is perfect for me! So here goes.
End result – a very rounded (same as BH’s previous attempt) Dome shape cupcake. Not smiling at all! ;-( In fact, it looks more like d originator Aunty Yochana's end pdt. So am not really sure if it's considered successfully or a failure. Both MIL & Hubby said it's good, strong milk flavor. But Hayden rejects it without even tasting it. Maybe I shd make it more presentable to kids & offer it to him again. Since it’s such an easy recipe & only yields 8 small cupcakes, am willingly to give it anther go, in fact, very soon.
Whisk d milk & sugar till sugar has dissolved.
Add in remaining ingredients & stir well.
Spoon into small cups lined with paper liners/muffin cup.
Steam at high heat for 10-13 mins, or until cooked.
Remove and cool on wire rack.
Put all ingredients into d ABM & select normal cycle with light crust.
I saw this on a TW cooking program & decided to give it a try since it's supposed to be super easy & healthy. But end result, d sauce looked too thick. I think I might have coated d sliced pork with too much flour. However, hubby said it’s quite good, esp when served with hot rice.
Heat up d wok with d olive oil. Coat d pork with flour be4 putting them into d heated wok. Then add d sliced onions & stir-fry for few mins till onions has soften. Add all d sauces into d wok & stir-fry till pork is cooked through. If u prefer more sauce, just add more soy sauce or stock.
After a long break, this is my very 1st post from Spore. I have been buz meeting up with old friends & cleaning up after d move back home. Then my shipment arrived last wk & I have been busy unpacking. So far, ½ d boxes has been opened & flated. But now am struck with no more spaces to house d bal stuff so am leaving them in d boxes till I figure out where to put them. But d most important thing is – I managed to located d ABM & baked my 1st loaf last nite!
With limited ingredients, I decided on d cream cheese bread recipe since I was given a block of cream cheese from a friend. However, for reason unknown, I added 21g of egg yolk into d ABM be4 realizing that d original recipe does not even asked for egg??? D fact is – I even bother to separate d yolk from d white & weight out both to c which is closer to 20g & used it with d rest into d freezer. Mmmm???
Anyway, by d time I realized my mistake, I have alrdy started d ABM so I decided to add another 1½ tbsp of cake flour to bal out d dry/wet ratio.End result – a surprisingly fluffy loaf! However, d crust was a bit too thick for me, soft but too thick. Other than that, it actually turns out great!
Put all into bread maker on fast loaf cycle. If u prefers soft crust, do not remove from bread maker after cycle ends. Just leave it there overnite.