- 150g cabbage
- 2 small onions, sliced into rings
- 40g sliced mushrooms
- 1 tsp tapioca flour
- 300g meaty ckn
- 6 tbsp meatless spaghetti sauce
1) Combine vegs in slow cooker, sprinkle tapioca over vegs;
2) Place ckn on vegs be4 pouring sauce over it;
3) Cover & cook for 6-7hrs on low-heat setting, or 3-31/2hrs on high-heat setting;
4) If desired, sprinkle w/parmesan cheese be4 serving on hot cooked pasta/rice.
Result - a very simple dish. Will definitely cook this often.
马蹄 : 100 – 300g water chestnut
白萝卜 : 100 – 300g white radish
鸭梨 : 1 – 3个 pear
瘦肉 : 200 – 300g lean meat
1) 马蹄洗净拍开, 白萝卜洗净切块, 鸭梨去芯切块, 瘦肉洗净川烫过, 切块
Wash & diced up water chestnut, wash & cubed white radish, de-cored pear be4 dicing, wash lean meat with hot water be4 dicing.
2) 将所有材料放入锅内,加清水适量, 用大火煮沸,改为文火熬约 1-2 小时
Put all ingredients into pan, out enough water to cover ingredients. Bring to boil be4 switching to low heat for 1-2hrs.
3) 用盐适量调味, 喝汤吃肉
If desired, season w/salt be4 serving.
Function of soup
* 有清热生津的功效,适合脾胃热盛,可见面红或见粉刺痤疮,口渴想喝冷饮,食欲超常,口舌干燥或痰黄粘稠,或见口舌易生疮,尿黄、大便硬或便秘等
Tonic that is useful for clearing heaty-ness, red acne, urge to drink cold drink, extraordinary appetite, dry mouth, thick yellow sputum, easy seen tongue sores, hard stool, constipation, etc
* 天气 炎热或过食燥热食物时,可煮此汤,预防发热。
When weather is too heaty or dry, drink this soup to help prevent body from building up too much heat.
Result - w/out adding any seasoning, it's a very healthy & sweet soup.
Coconut dessert (recipe from UW mazg)
Remove juice & flesh from coconut. Place rock sugar onto bowl & steam 1hr or till melted. Add soaked fungus/juice & steam for another 30mins be4 serving either hot or cold.
Result - too sweet. Must add cold/hot water be4 consuming.
For the waterchestnut radish soup, what kind of pear to use?
direct translet - duck pear
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