A handful of chrysanthemum flowers
900ml water
A pkt of konnyaku jelly powder
190g of sugar ( can adj according to yr own taste)
Wash chrysanthemum flowers be4 putting them into the boiling water. Let it boil for another 5-10 min be4 removing from d heat. Do not boil too long or d jelly will turn out bitter...
Remove from heat. Steep covered for another 10 min be4 sieving d tea into a cooking pot.
Add jelly powder & sugar, stirring constantly bringing boil. Ensure both powder & sugar has alrdy dissolved be4 removing from heat.
Pour into moulds to set and let it cool. Chill before serving.
Super good on a hot sunny day!
We like this dessert too! For me, I like to throw in some wolfberries into the mixture, my kids like.
Oh.. But because Nowadays I always add wolf berries to my bread, thus, no point to add to dessert too as I once read that too much is not good.. 15-20 piece each day is good enough
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